embassy in Vettre, Asker
About 63 results.
Portuguese Embassy
Josefines gate 37, 0244 Oslo, NorwayPágina dedicada à divulgação das actividades da Embaixada de Portugal em Oslo, bem como dos principais eventos e acontecimentos que possam interessar à Comunidade Portuguesa residente na Noruega e na Islândia
Dutch Embassy
Oscars gate 29, 0352 Oslo, NorwayWelcome to the official Facebook page of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Norway! The opinions expressed on this page do not necessarily represent the views of the Embassy. Feel free to comment, but please keep your tone moderate.
British Embassy Oslo
Thomas Heftyes gate 8, 0244 Oslo, NorwayWelcome to the official Facebook page for the British Embassy Oslo. For more information about the work we do please visit our website: www.gov.uk/world/norway
Embassy Of Venezuela
Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Norway
Embassy of the United States
Morgedalsvegen 36, 0378 Oslo, NorwayThis is the official Facebook profile of the U.S. Embassy in Oslo, Norway. Don't hesitate to contact us with questions, suggestions or comments. Our website: http://no.usembassy.gov/ Email: osloirc@state.gov Twitter: @usembassyoslo
Royal Thai Embassy
Eilert Sundts gate 4, 0244 Oslo, NorwayFB Page of the Royal Thai Embassy in Oslo to provide information to the Thai nationals.
Embassy Of Ireland
Haakon VIIs gate 1, 0244 Oslo, NorwayThe Irish Embassy works to promote Irish interests in Norway and Ireland, we also provide a range of key consular services to Irish citizens
Embassy of the Philippines
Nedre Vollgate 4, 0158 Oslo, NorwayPhilippine Embassy with jurisdiction in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Iceland (http://www.philembassy.no || Internet Solutions by Noceda Media Lab (http://www.noceda.no)
Danmarks ambassade
Olav Kyrres gate 7, 0273 Oslo, NorwayVelkommen til Danmarks Ambassade i Norges officielle Facebook side.
Tyrkiske ambassade
Halvdan Svartes Gate 5, 0244 Oslo, NorwayTürkiye Cumhuriyeti Oslo Büyükelçiliği resmi Facebook sayfası- Official Facebook page of the Turkish Embassy in Oslo
Amerikas Forente Staters Ambassade
Morgedalsvegen 36, 0378 Oslo, NorwayThis is the official Facebook profile of the U.S. Embassy in Oslo, Norway. Don't hesitate to contact us with questions, suggestions or comments. Our website: http://no.usembassy.gov/ Email: osloirc@state.gov Twitter: @usembassyoslo
Den Indiske ambassade
Niels Juels Gate 30, 0244 Oslo, NorwayOfficial Facebook Page - India in Norway
Tysklands ambassade Oslo
Oscars gate 45, 0258 Oslo, NorwayKlicken Sie hier, um auf die deutschsprachige Seite zu kommen. Hinweis: viele Bürgerservice-Seiten sind im Moment nur auf Deutsch.
Sveitsiske ambassade
Oscars gate 29, 0244 Oslo, NorwayGod dag, Grüezi, Bienvenue, Benvenuti, Allegra. Willkommen auf der offiziellen Facebook-Seite der Schweizerischen Botschaft in Norwegen und Island.
Rumenske ambassade
Oscars Gate 51, 0244 Oslo, NorwayAceasta este pagina oficială de Facebook a Ambasadei României în Norvegia. This is the official Facebook page of the Embassy of Romania in Norway.
Royal Embassy Of Saudi Arabia In Norway
Frøyas gate 11, 0273 Oslo, Norwayاهلا بك في الصفحة الرسمية لوزراة الخارجية في المملكة العربية السعودية
Den Russiske Føderasjons ambassade
Drammensveien 74, 0244 Oslo, NorwayДобро пожаловать на страницу Посольства России в Норвегии! Welcome to the Facebook-page of the Russian Embassy in Norway!
Sveriges Ambassad
Nobels gate 16, 0244 Oslo, NorwayVälkommen till Sveriges ambassad i Oslo, och till vår officiella facebooksida!
Kgl. Dansk Konsulat
Olav Kyrres gate 7, 0273 Oslo, NorwayVelkommen til Danmarks Ambassade i Norges officielle Facebook side.
Den Afghanske Ambassade
Gange-rolvs gate 5, 0273 Oslo, NorwayThe Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Oslo was established in 2004.The Embassy is accredited to Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland.
Ambassade de France à Oslo
Drammensveien 69, 0244 Oslo, NorwayLa France en Norvège - Ambassade de France à Oslo